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Part 241 - Form 41 P-1a Interim Operations Report


OMB NO: 2138-0013


Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2138-0013. Public reporting for Schedule P-1(a), Interim Operations Report, is estimated to be approximately 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory, as authorized by 14 CFR, Part 241. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Lei Tang, OAI/BTS, RTS-42, Room E34-413, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590 or e-mail –


RECORD DESCRIPTION: P-1a Interim Operations Report - Group I+, II & III

Field Description Data Type Length Comments Sample Data
Schedule Item Character 4 Must literally be = P01A P01A
Carrier Code Character 3 Must be the carrier code used by the airline, for example American Airlines code = AA XX
Entity Region Character 1 S = System S
Aircraft Type Character 4 An Aircraft Type is not applicable for this report so you must report a literal 4 zeroes = 0000 0000
Account Code Character 5 The P-1a report requires nine (9) records be reported, one for each of the following “accounts” regardless of whether or not a carrier has data to report for all nine accounts.
The nine account numbers used defined below in the order the records must be reported.
49990 = Total Operating Revenues (must have the ‘-‘ before the amount)
71990 = Total Operating Expenses (do NOT use the ‘-‘ before this expense amount)
79990 = Operating Profit or Loss (when reporting a profit, use the sign ‘-‘ before the amount.
98990 = Net Income (when reporting a profit, use the sign ‘-‘ before the amount.
39010 = Passenger Revenue Scheduled Service (must have the ‘-‘ before the amount)
48080 = Public Service Revenues(subsidy) (must have the ‘-‘ before the amount)
99007Number of Full-Time Employees
99008Number of Part-Time Employees
99009Number of Employees on Strike
A sample report with all nine records is included in this document.
Frequency Numeric 1 The number to use to indicate a monthly frequency is = 1 1
Year Character 4 A four character year must be reported having the Century and Year: CCYY = 2011 2011
Month Character 2 A literal two character month code must be reported from 01 through 12. Months JAN (01) thru SEP (09) MUST include the leading zero. 01
Amount Numeric --- Reminders:
1. MUST use the sign ‘-‘ before amounts reported on the revenue account records: 49990, 39010, 48080.
2. MUST use the sign ‘-‘ for amounts reported on account records: 79990 Operating Profit or Loss and 98990 Net Income when there is a ‘profit’ being reported.
3. Do NOT use commas in the amount reported.
4. Do NOT report decimal positions – round the amount reported.


The P-1a Interim Operations reports must be created as an electronic “comma separated values” file, using ASCII text character encoding, for uploading via the “eSubmit” application.

The comma separated values file MUST BE indicated when naming the file, by using the letters [CSV] or [csv] following the file name, as the file name extension.

The file name is flexible and may be determined by the individual air carrier, but the comma separated values (csv) file format is required, as outlined in the rule entitled, Submitting Airline Data via the Internet.

The fields in the sample record shown below follow the same order as the above record description, separated by commas, and saved with the file name extension of .csv.

Suggested file name: XX201101-F41-P-1a.csv

Sample P-1a Interim Operations Report file showing the format of the 9 records that must be filed:


Here is a summary of what it takes to make a correctly formatted report:

     • Do not surround the records or data elements/fields with quotes.

     • Always report the Schedule Item as: P01A

     • Always report the Carrier Code for your carrier(ex: American Airlines): AA

     • Always report the “System” Entity Region: S

     • Always report the Aircraft Type with 4 literal zeroes: 0000

     • Always report Account Code for each of the NINE (9) records, using one of the designated accounts numbers required on the P-1a.
        Be sure to report the 5 digit account numbers as you see below:

        1. 49990 = Total Operating Revenues (must have the ‘-‘ before the amount)

        2. 71990 = Total Operating Expenses (do NOT use the ‘-‘ before this expense amount)

        3. 79990 = Operating Profit or Loss (when reporting a profit, use the sign ‘-‘ before the amount.

        4. 98990 = Net Income (when reporting a profit, use the sign ‘-‘ before the amount.

        5. 39010 = Passenger Revenue Scheduled Service (must have the ‘-‘ before the amount)

        6. 48080 = Public Service Revenues(subsidy) (must have the ‘-‘ before the amount)

        7. 99007 = Number of Full-Time Employees

        8. 99008 = Number of Part-Time Employees

        9. 99009 = Number of Employees on Strike

     • Always report the Frequency as “monthly”, indicated by reported a: 1

     • Always report the Year as four characters, having the century and year: CCYY = 2011

     • Always report the Month as a literal two character month code – from 01 through 12. Please note: months JAN (01) thru SEP (09) MUST
        include the leading zero.

     • Do not report the Amount using commas.

     • Do not surround the Amount with quotes

     • Please make sure you have your Amount with the correct “sign” so that revenue accounts (49990, 39010, 48080) are always “signed” with a
        preceding ‘-‘ and the Operating Profit or Loss (79990) and the Net Income (98990) amounts show a ‘-‘ sign when there is a profit to report.

     • Please make sure that the Amount is rounded – please do not report decimal positions in your amounts.

Final thoughts:

Be sure that you have leading zeroes where required and do NOT create this file using any quotes. Some people have reported records that were enclosed in quotes and some have reported amounts in quotes.

Before you send your file to us, view it using “Notepad” – “Open with” and select “Notepad” – if you use Microsoft Excel to view the file & records you will not see the literal data in the file.

When viewing in Notepad, please make sure that your cursor is resting below the last record. This ensures that a carriage return is at the end of the 9th record. Thank you.

Thank you for your attention to the details for how these 9 records must be created.