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Part 385-19H – BTS Form E/F ICAO Financial Supplemental Data


OMB NO: 2138-0039


Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2138-0039. Public reporting for Schedule EF, ICAO Supplemental Report, is estimated to be approximately 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory, as authorized by 14 CFR, Part 385.19. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Lei Tang, OAI/BTS, RTS-42, Room E34-413, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590 or e-mail –


RECORD DESCRIPTION: BTS Form EF ICAO Financial Supplemental Data Needs

Field Description Data Type Length Comments Sample Data
Air Carrier Code Character 2 or 3 Use the carrier code effective December 31 ZZ
Report Date – Year of Data Numeric 4 CCYY 2010
Allowance for Depreciation – Flight Equipment Numeric --- Excludes non-operating flight equipment 1/ 4671873000
Allowance for Depreciation-Ground Property and Equipment Numeric --- Excludes Non-operating ground property/equipment 1/ 1467332000
Flight Equipment Airworthiness Allowance Numeric --- From system P-5.2 Direct Maintenance 3421000
Flight Equipment under Capital Lease-Total Amount Numeric --- Flight Equipment only 10346000
Flight Equipment under Capital Lease-Accumulated Amortization Numeric --- Flight Equipment only 9458000
Total En-route Facility Charges Numeric --- International Operation/System only 2/ 1941000
Equity in income of Investor Controlled Companies Account 87.0 Numeric --- Account 87 – refer to Sec. 14.87 of 14 CFR Part 241 1589000
Net balance of un-appropriated Retained Earnings from prior year Numeric --- Last year’s 4th quarter B-1 Account 2900 minus Account 2990 502457000
Profit (or loss) after extraordinary items for this year Numeric --- This year’s Net Income from system schedule P-1.2 Account 9899 3109000
Adjustments to this year’s Retained Earnings (Total) Numeric --- Sum of Adjustment Amount 1 ,Adjustment Amount 2,Adjustment Amount 3 (see below) 37034000
Adjustment Amount 1: Transfer to Reserves Numeric ---   12345000
Adjustment Amount 2: Amount paid as bonus, dividends (cash or stock), etc. Numeric --- Can be either cash or stocks 23232000
Adjustment 3 – specify Other Character 50 Specify what the adjustment is - can be any adjustment Other Comprephensive Income
Adjustment Amount 3 (for above) Numeric --- Up to five numeric scheduled departures 1457000
Adjustment 4: Appropriations Numeric ---   2986000
Net balance of un-appropriated retained earnings for the current year Numeric --- This year’s 4th quarter B-1 Account 2900 minus Account 2990 9815979
Personnel Expense (Salary) for Traffic Solicitors on P-10 Account 33 Numeric --- Broken out the system scheduled P-6, Line 7 8128000


The BTS Form EF ICAO Financial Supplement Data Needs report s must be created as an electronic “comma separated Values” file, using ASCII text character encoding, for uploading via the “eSubmit” application.

The comma separated values file MUST BE indicated when naming the file, by using the letters [CSV] or [csv] following the file name, as the file name extension.

The file name is flexible and may be determined by the individual air carrier, but the comma separated values (csv) file format is required, as outlined in the rule entitled, Submitting Airline Data via the Internet.

The fields in the sample record shown below follow the same order as the above record description, separated by commas, and saved with the file name extension of .csv.

Suggested file name: ZZ2010-BTSEF.csv

Sample Record Format:

ZZ,2010,4671873000,1467332000,3421000,10346000,9458000, 1941000,1589000,502457000,3109000,37034000,12345000,23232000,”Other Comprephensive Income”,1457000,2986000,9815979,8128000

1/ The Allowance for Depreciation – Flight Equipment and the Allowance for Depreciation - Ground Property and Equipment on the BTS Form EF should equal Account 1668 on the 4th quarter B-1.

2/ Includes fees levied against the airline for the provision of enroute facilities and services. Examples are charges for communications facilities, navigation aids, air traffic service, meteorological services and other ancillary aviation services provided by foreign governments or governmental associates such as EUROCONTROL in Europe, ASECNA in Africa, and COCESNA in Central America.